The Country Director (CD) is the maximum responsible of Action Against Hunger (AAH) in the mission. In coordination with the desk officer, he/she will ensure the correct management of resources in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. He/she will ensure the definition of a clear strategy for the mission and it’s coherent follow up, maintaining quality and relevance of the carried-out actions, always aligned with the organization’s mandate.
He/She will represent Action against Hunger before donors, authorities, international organizations, other NGOs, private sector and whichever institution of interest. The CD is the spokesperson of Action against Hunger before national and international media, under the coordination of the Communication Area of the organization.
The CD, through his/her leadership, will motivate the team, anticipating and managing possible conflicts. He/She will encourage innovative focus and will supervise the coordination team, ensuring appropriate overall HR management and participation to the programs and overall strategy.
The CD is in charge of ensuring the financial viability of the mission in coordination with HQ and of ensuring an efficient management of available resources of the mission. He/She will direct the implementation of the fundraising strategy of public and private funds, designed in coordination with HQ. Likewise, he/she will be responsible of promoting technical innovative focus and fostering best practices and their replicability.
The CD is responsible for the risk management of the mission and the security of his/her team, he/she will promote, encourage and supervise the implementation of the charter of principles of Action against Hunger, as well as of its ethics code and anti-fraud politics.
The CD is responsible of achieving the annual objectives of the mission.
Las principales actividades que desempeñaras son las siguientes:
- Objective 1: Focuses on leading the processes to set up a mission in a new environment, while overseeing and ensuring that the proper emergency response is taking place
- Objective 2: Holds the overall responsibility for the mission’s strategy with the development of a comprehensive programmatic approach based on Localization, while developing two scenarios based on 1) continuation with registration process, or 2) phasing out if registration fails
- Objective 3: Leads on the linkages and representation with local authorities and the registration process of the Organization; positions the Organization within a new environment; develops and strengthens the relation with stakeholders (NGOs, Donors, UN, Institutes and authorities, partners), through coordination and enhanced advocacy, working on appropriate visibility for AAH and the mission, according to the risk assessment and registration process
- Objective 4: Oversees the Financial performance of the mission, ensuring appropriate and efficient use of resources according to the strategy and the yearly objectives, and enhancing the application and follow up of the Organization’s procedures and guidelines, in coordination with the team and the HQ
- Objective 5: Holds the overall responsibility for the mission’s HR management and coordination, focusing on the optimal design of the structure and its organogram and ensuring that development plans are in place for all bases and coordination. Enhances a cultural environment that promotes respect of our guiding principles, code of conduct and adherence to Action against Hunger’s policies.
Esta descripción encaja contigo?
- Humanitarian Diplomacy, negotiations skills for conflict environments
- Strong networking and representational skills
- Security management in complex security situations with context and Risk Analysis and Management
- Cultural and conflict sensitivity approach
- Knowledge in International Cooperation/Development/Localization and key (public and private) donors of the sector
Acción contra el Hambre se compromete a prevenir cualquier tipo de comportamiento no deseado en el trabajo, incluyendo el acoso sexual, la explotación y el abuso sexual, la falta de integridad y /o mala praxis financiera; Esperamos que todo nuestro personal y los voluntarios compartan este compromiso a y compartan nuestro código de conducta y otras políticas relacionadas ya que sólo aquellos que compartan nuestros valores y código de conducta serán reclutados para trabajar para nosotros.